Monday, April 30, 2007

Officially Unemployed!

I went to work today just to hand in my security pass, and that took 2 and a half hours. Then went to lunch with a friend from work, and her friend.. a lunchtime special, and very good it was too. Then after coming home here, went to the employment office, with regards to registering as unemployed. I wanted to know if I was entitled to claim, before going ahead with it.

On the way home I got diverted via the realtors office, and got copies of all the land plans for the lot, as we had given them all in to the planning office, and ended up with no copied of our own. The good news is that the telephone is connected there, and this I had been unsure of.

When I got home there was a message from Service Canada the employment office, asking me to call them back, which I did, and I am entitled to claim. So I have an appointment for Thursday to file my claim, so a little weight has been taken off my shoulders for now, with not knowing if I got that job yet.

It is looking like Jerry will not be being paid for these first five weeks, for the placement, no mention has been made of it, so we assume not, and they have no obligation to either. So the fact I am entitled to claim will be a relief all round.

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