Well, as Gemma said, we went back to the lot to have a look at the other half of our property, which has a stream/pond at the bottom of it. Thought it might make a nice stroll for us and good exercise for Oliver.
Firstly, apart from the bottom 20 foot or so of the drive, all the snow had gone, and what was left didn't look too bad, so I decided to drive up and park on the building site. This was our first mistake. Got about 5 foot onto the drive (fortunately off the road) and we stuck. Couldn't go forward or back even in four wheel drive, so decided to leave the Truck there and carry on regardless, intending to deal with the problem after we got back from our stroll.
Went up to the house site, as Gemma wanted to dowse for ley lines. Turns out we have 2 positive and one negative running through. Need to build that into the floor layout, or at the least into the furniture layout.
Then we decided to head off to find the stream. This was where mistake number 2 came in. We didn't think to bring the compass or GPS with us, or for that matter any means of marking our route, thinking it's only approx 1800 feet to the stream, wouldn't take us too long (Hah!!)
To cut a long story short, after approx 50 minutes of trial and error we got to the bottom and the stream, which is surprisingly fast flowing, and a possible use for a micro Hydro electric setup at a later point, but couldn't find the pond. So we walked along the bank for a while, and then decided it was time to head back as Oliver was looking a tad tired.
Now, if we had GPS/Compass/Blazed a trail getting back would have been fairly simple, but we didn't, so to cut a long story short (I'm sure Gemma will elaborate on the journey back) it took us probably an hour and fifteen minutes to get back to the road, having lost Oliver several times.
The good thing is that it looks like we won't have any problems supplying ourselves with firewood for the forseeable future just from dead and fallen trees alone, although we need to look into cutting some sort of pathway down to the bottom if we intend to regularly go to the stream.
So, back at the truck. Gemma advised me to straighten the front wheels and try again, and lo and behold we were un-stuck. Hopefully we won't have any further problems with the drive after today, as the snow is definately thawing.
That's it from me, I'm sure Gemma will add to this with her own version of events.
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