Well today is my first day downstairs in over a week, and I do feel that my health is turning this into the 'Diary of an Invalid'. After dragging myself to work for three days, I finally gave in and had four days in bed, and a doctors appointment that turned into 'You will go to the hospital now, do not pass Go, and do not collect $200' . Well not quite like that, but it felt very scary to be told that. After almost seven hours at the hospital, on a drip, and blood tests and chest X-ray, they said I could go home to sleep, but had to come back in the morning. They still did not know what was wrong, and I had four days in bed thinking I had a heart valve defect, and I kept telling the Dr that my heart would not stop this racing and stopping, but they kept saying it was not relevant.
So day two at the hospital was more blood tests, and urine tests, which told them I did not have Diabetes or Thyroid issues. But finally the Dr came to ask more questions, and the nurse that did the Triage told us he was the best diagnostician, but she didn't say he would look like the oldest Hippy in town. Well finally we had a diagnosis of Pneumonia, and all I could ask was how he diagnozed it, which he answered by the X-ray and the listening to my chest. When I told him where I worked, and the fact I don't get paid when I don't work, he bad mouthed the company big-time, and then did a double take to ask me was I management, and once he knew I was not, he felt free to carry on. What I didn't ask was how someone my age get's Pneumonia, I would never have imagined it possible. So now I have to get back on my feet and back to work.
One of the highlights of my week has been a flower delivery from my sister, and apart from making me cry, got the desired effect in the end. They came with a Beany Baby Bear called 'Bandage', who is holding a yellow flower, and has Get Well Soon on his feet. I haven't been able to hold 'Bandage' for long, as Oliver is jealous and wants to eat him. Yes I have had Oliver and up to two out of the three cats (Frodo and Freyja) on the bed pretty much the whole time, Day and Night. The third cat Loki has been up to visit and check on me at least once a day, which was nice.
The other highlight, that almost went unnoticed by me, was that last Monday 26th February, we got the building permit approved. So the purchase of our little piece of Cape Breton is now properly underway.
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