Well, our initial offer was rejected, and we rejected the sellers counter-offer, then he rejected our counter offer, but we have finally agreed on a price, the paperwork has been signed and sent to lawyers, and the deposit has been paid. So, hopefully by mid March we will own our land.
All we need to do now is organise checking the well/septic tank (although we will have paperwork to show they are certified by the powers that be) and get the building permit paperwork sorted out. These are clauses in the contract, so need to be done. What we need to get is a permit allowing us to build on site, but without having to produce all the blueprints of the building, as they haven't been done yet, so I've got a busy day tomorrow running around. I think the UK term is Outline planning permission. We know what we want to build, and have 'Blueprints' of examples of what we plan, but nothing official. We shall see.
Been busy researching on 'Frost protected shallow foundations' which seem to be the way to go, for two reasons. Firstly, they allow for a slab on grade to have 16 inch foundation rather than 4 foot, and secondly they will keep the heat in the house rather than leaching it to the ground. We need to convince the local planning officer that it is acceptable practice before proceeding. Thankfully, I have found plenty of information on the internet to support this, including referrences to the Canadian building codes, so that should be ok.
Picture above shows the current school project, 6 foot by 10 foot building with 8 foot walls. We have to include 2 windows and 2 doors in the layout. Currently stuck where it is, as we have run out of stock. Hopefully we'll get more on Monday and can continue. Seriously thinking of buying the one we're making for use as a power shed for the new build. Would be perfect for the battery store.
Will update tomorrow after meetings.
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