Well, another glorious day in Cape Breton. The sun is shining, no snow is piled up and the roads are clear.
Just been to see the realtor who is dealing with the plot. Got loads of info on the septic system and well. Both are up to specification and new (well, within the last 5 years) Things are looking up.
Still thinking on the final layout of the house, but the basic footprint is planned out, just need to fit in the various room combinations. Might build a scale model at school and then play around with various partitions etc..
Pictured above is the scale model I am currently building. Actually, it is now finished, the outside walls are clad and everything is braced. I'm really rather pleased with it, even though it's a bit of a monster size wise (42 inches by 22 inches, at a scale of 1 inch to 1 foot) Getting a bit tricky to carry it around now. Apparently next year we'll be shown how to put a roof on, which will be fun. Guess I might need a fourth wall though.
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